Genes contain the information to build the cell,proteins catalyze the necessary chemical reactions,
but phospholipids act as the marshals, holding the biochemical machinery together and
helping to maintain the right chemical environment.
Caroline Pond «Fats of life»
18th International Scientific and Practical Conference
4-5 of October 2023, St. Petersburg, Russia
The 18th International Scientific and Practical Conference continues the cycle of conferences started in 1994 and devoted to the analysis and prospects of scientific and technical development of the production of polar lipids (phospholipids and glycolipids), a class of nutraceuticals and food additives.
Scientific directions of the conference:
1. Characterization of the chemical composition and functional properties of industrial samples of lecithins and other products of vegetable oil refining;
2. Perspective trends in technological developments for the production of functional fats and lipid nutraceuticals;
3. Technologies for the production of functional and specialized products and characterization of their medical and biological properties;
4. Market of lecithins and other products of vegetable oil refining, of lipid nutraceuticals and functional and specialized products on their basis;
5. Development of feed production using lecithins and other products of vegetable oil refining.
Conference Organizers:
- Protein Plus Co. Ltd., St. Petersburg, Russia;
- International Lipids and Phospholipids Society (ILPS), Cologne, Germany;
- Russian Union of Food Ingredients Producers Union (UFIPU), Moscow, Russia;
- University under the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of EurAsEC, St. Petersburg, Russia;
- Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (University ITMO), St. Petersburg, Russia.
Supported by:
- Federal Research Center of Nutrition and Biotechnology, Moscow, Russia;
- Kuban State Technological University (KubSTU), Krasnodar, Russia;
- All-Russian Research Instiute of Fats (ARRIF), St. Petersburg, Russia;
- International Academy of Refrifageration (IAR), St. Petersburg, Russia.
Official information partners:
- “Izvestiya vuzov. Pishchevaya tekhnologiya” (News of universities. Food Technology) Journal, Krasnodar, Russia;
- “Biznes pishchevykh ingredientov” (Food Ingredients Business) Journal, Moscow, Russia;
- Journal (Bulletin) of the International Academy of Refrifageration, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Conference Organizing Committee: Website: ILPC.RU